Thursday, November 14, 2013

To Build or Buy?

To build or to buy? We need to put this old chestnut to rest. You can neither engineer nor acquire a business application without some of each. We gain efficiency in software development by building on top of commercial, open source, or internally shared assets. But we cannot implement an out-of-the box solution without significant customization. The question is better shaped as what components pre-built or custom-developed) are needed to achieve a given software solution, and what are the best methods of assembly. 

I have tried to refine my answer to this question--in both a methodological and a practical way--throughout my career. Today I continue that journey. I am engaged with v257 in creating solutions, solution architectures, and supporting the capability of IT organizations to work with Agility in designed and implementing their own solutions. We have found that collaborations among business partners and clients can yield significant success, especially once you set aside the no-go question of build-or-buy and start asking how to assemble the right-sized components into a solution.