Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stopping to Smell the Chive Blossoms

For me, guilty pleasures are anything that takes me away from the relentless pursuit of "business." I suppose that its an artifact of being the child of an immigrant. My father, who left a hamlet in Sicily at the age of 20, worked hard to become an American. I don't have quite the same drive. I do travel down roads for pleasure's sake. But not without guilt. My curse. But now that I approach 65, I am resolved to relax and appreciate the sweeter side of life. I truly believe that it will make me more productive in my business life if I learn to have some unqualified fun once in a while.

Today's guilty pleasure? Not what you might expect. Puttering outside, appreciating a very lush spring. Everything is so deeply green. It's like flying over Ireland.

The chives are blossoming. Our tiny patch has become an herbal forest. The purple flowers are so unusual. I like their subtle seasoning in salad.

I was going to post this yesterday, when I shot the photograph. I stopped writing, however, because I was feeling guilty. I have to work on that some more.